Cours 2

Lesson 2: Pronunciation of Vowels and Accents

Lesson Objectives:

By the end of this lesson, students will be able to:

  • Pronounce French vowels correctly.
  • Understand and recognize the different French accents and their impact on pronunciation.
  • Differentiate between vowels and semi-vowels through listening and speaking exercises.

Duration: 1 hour

  1. Introduction to Vowels (20 minutes)
    • Study the section “The French Vowels” (page 10).
    • Listen and repeat the vowels (page 10, exercise 1).
    • Study the section on semi-vowels (page 11).
    • Complete the exercise on sound recognition of vowels (page 11, exercise 6).
  2. Accents in French (20 minutes)
    • Read the section “Accented Letters” (page 9).
    • Listen and read the examples with accents (page 9).
    • Complete exercise 5 (page 9): indicate the correct pronunciation.
  3. Review and Oral Practice (20 minutes)
    • Listen and repeat the consonants (page 12, table).
    • Complete exercise 9 (page 11).
    • Listen and repeat the sounds (page 11, exercise 7).

Download the unit from the book here if you want