Lesson 13: Bon appétit!
• Identify vocabulary related to food and meals.
• Practice the pronunciation of the /R/ sound.
• Learn partitive articles (du, de la, de l’, des) and the verbs “manger” and “boire.”
- Express food preferences and eating habits.
- Listening Comprehension and Vocabulary
- Listen and match dialogues to images (Page 78, Activity 1a):
- Match each dialogue with the corresponding image.
- Listen again and match sentences to dialogues (Page 78, Activity 1b):
- Complete the sentence-dialogue associations.
- Classify food items in the chart (Page 78, Activity 2):
- Use the website mentioned or the image to categorize the food items.
- Phonetics: The consonant /R/
- Recognizing the /R/ sound (Page 79, Activities 1 and 2):
- Check “yes” or “no” to identify whether you hear the /R/ sound.
- Listen and repeat (Page 79, Activities 4 and 5):
- Practice the /R/ sound at the end of words and after a consonant.
- Grammar: Manger and Boire
- Conjugate the verbs (Page 82, Activity 2):
- Complete the sentences with “manger” and “boire” in the present tense.
- Complete the dialogues (Page 80, Activity 1):
- Use the given words to fill in the blanks.
- Speaking and Writing
- Ask questions about eating habits (Page 80, Activity 3):
- Examples: “What do you eat for breakfast?”
- Write a list of food and drinks for a week (Page 86, Activity 2).
Download the unit from the book here if you want