Lesson 9: I Like Sports
By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
- Identify and use vocabulary related to sports and leisure activities.
- Express personal preferences using aimer, adorer, détester.
- Recognize and pronounce the vowel sounds [ə] and [e].
- Listening Comprehension and Vocabulary (20 minutes)
- Listening Activity:
- Listen to the dialogue (Page 56, Activity 1a) and match the correct photo to each situation.
- Listen again (Page 56, Activity 1b) and complete the sentences with Sophie or Khalil.
- Vocabulary Practice:
- Repeat aloud the list of sports and leisure activities (Page 58, top section).
- Phonetics (15 minutes)
- Vowel Sounds [ə] and [e] (Page 57, Activities 1 and 2):
- Identify syllables containing [ə] and [e].
- Listen to examples and repeat them for pronunciation practice.
- Grammar and Expressing Preferences (15 minutes)
- Learning the verbs aimer, adorer, détester (Page 60, “Apprenez” table):
- Read and copy the conjugations into a notebook.
- Practice Exercise (Page 60, Activity 2):
- Conjugate the verbs in the present tense to complete the sentences.
- Written Production (10 minutes)
- Free Writing Exercise:
- Write five sentences about personal preferences using “J’aime”, “J’adore”, or “Je déteste”.
Download the unit from the book here if you want