Cours 8

Lesson 8: The Verb “Être” and Masculine/Feminine Nouns


By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:

  • Conjugate the verb “être” in the present tense.
  • Use “être” correctly in affirmative and interrogative sentences.
  • Identify and differentiate masculine and feminine noun forms.
  • Apply gender rules to professions and adjectives.
  • Improve oral and written expression through interactive exercises.

Duration: 1 hour

  1. Conjugating the Verb “Être” (15 minutes)
  • Grammar Focus: Study the conjugation of “être” (page 48).
  • Practice Exercises:
    • Complete conjugation exercises (page 48, exercises 1 and 2).
    • Answer questions using the verb “être” (page 48, exercise 3).
  1. Masculine and Feminine Nouns (20 minutes)
  • Grammar Focus: Read about the formation of masculine and feminine nouns (page 49).
  • Practice Exercises:
    • Transform nouns from masculine to feminine (page 49, exercises 6 and 8).
    • Fill in the table with the feminine forms of professions (page 50, exercise 8).
  1. Oral and Written Practice (15 minutes)
  • Grammar Application: Complete sentences with “il” or “elle” based on the subject (page 50, exercise 10).
  • Writing Practice: Formulate sentences using adjectives in both masculine and feminine forms (page 50, exercise 14).
  1. Review (10 minutes)
  • Listening and Reading: Read and listen to a comic strip that summarizes key concepts (page 54).
  • Cultural Quiz: Answer the intercultural quiz (page 53) to deepen cultural understanding.

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